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VAS-XAug 7, 2024 12:14:23 AM1 min read

Celebrating Women in Tech: The Value of Gender Diversity

Celebrating Women in Tech: The Value of Gender Diversity


Gender diversity in the tech and telco industries is a critical issue. It leads to diverse perspectives, innovation and creative problem-solving, and impacts everything from company culture through to business performance. Indeed, companies with higher gender diversity often experience better financial performance, improved decision-making, and enhanced company reputation.

However, telecommunications has historically been male-dominated, particularly in technical and leadership roles. Despite progress, women remain underrepresented, especially in higher-level positions and technical roles, encountering barriers such as unconscious bias, lack of mentorship and sponsorship opportunities, and cultural stereotypes about gender roles in technical fields.

It is for these reasons that we wanted to dedicate August to celebrating Women in Tech - and more specifically, the Wonder Women of VAS-X!

At VAS-X we value and celebrate our female employees. We actively seek gender parity with training, mentorship, flexible working arrangements, targeted recruitment efforts and industry collaboration to encourage and support women working in tech and telco.

Over the next few weeks we will explore what our Wonder Women bring to us as a company and how we approach ensuring that they have the opportunity to thrive. keep an eye out on our Blog for our Wonder Women profiles!

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